First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready
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First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready

Read Online Ebook First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready
From the "master of time travel romance": RITA award-winning author Gwyn Cready continues her steamy Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands series
She needs a man-but only for a nightWhat do you get when you imbibe centuries-old whiskey-besides a hangover the size of the Highlands? If you're twenty-first century ad exec Gerard Innes, you get swept back to 18th-century Edinburgh and into the bed of a gorgeous, fiery redhead. Gerard has only a foggy idea what he and the lady have been up to...but what he does remember draws him into the most dangerous and exhilarating campaign of his life.
Be careful what you wish for...Serafina Seonag Fallon's scoundrel of a fiancé has left her with nothing, and she's determined to turn the tables. If she can come up with a ringer, she can claim the cargo he stole from her. But the dashing man she summons from the future demands more than a night, and Serafina finds it easier to command the seas under her feet than the crashing waves he unleashes in her heart.
"Cready plays to her strengths in this dashing, breathtaking, and extremely sexy time-travel romp." -Publishers Weekly, STARRED Review
"Cready displays her wonderfully inventive, intelligent, witty style in another charmer as a 21st century businessman is sent back in time. Blending modern-day lingo with a Scot's burr and a take-charge heroine with an alpha male is guaranteed to set off the kind of sexy fireworks Cready's fans expect." -RT Book Reviews
First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready - Amazon Sales Rank: #686192 in Books
- Published on: 2015-10-06
- Released on: 2015-10-06
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 6.80" h x 1.10" w x 4.20" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Mass Market Paperback
- 416 pages
First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready Review "Cready plays to her strengths in this dashing, breathtaking, and extremely sexy time-travel romp. STARRED Review." - Publishers Weekly"Cready displays her wonderfully inventive, intelligent, witty style in another charmer as a 21st century businessman is sent back in time. Blending modern-day lingo with a Scot's burr and a take-charge heroine with an alpha male is guaranteed to set off the kind of sexy fireworks Cready's fans expect." - RT Book Reviews"4 stars. I will definitely be looking out for the next book in this series! Sooo far away... but that gives me time to go back and read book one, Duncan and Abby's story!" - Eater of Books
About the Author Gwyn Cready is a writer of contemporary, Scottish, and time travel romance. She's been called "the master of time travel romance" and is the winner of the RITA Award, the most prestigious award given in romance writing. She has been profiled in Real Simple and USA Today, among others. Before becoming a novelist, she spent 25 years in brand management. She has two grown children and lives with her husband on a hill overlooking the magical kingdom of Pittsburgh.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Hollow Crown Inn, Edinburgh, 1706
"What if one could piece together a perfect man the way Abby's dressmaker has pieced together the perfect gown?" mused Serafina Fallon, gazing appreciatively on the neatly pinned amethyst silk with soon-to-be-beaded sleeves her friend Abby Kerr modeled before the mirror. Serafina remembered a time when she had not regarded the possibilities of the masculine sex with quite so much cynicism. If her former fiancé, Edward, had been a gown, he would have been a cheap printed cotton, finished to look like Oriental satin-very much like the gowns Serafina's reduced circumstances forced her wear-but betraying its inferiority within the first few wearings.
Undine appraised the half-completed dress with her knowing fortune-teller's gaze and took a generous sip of the Kerr whiskey. "If we could, my friends, what sort of man would we piece together?"
Abby, who wore a veneer of solemnity in public to earn the respect of the clansmen she led, could not subdue her natural vivacity in private. "Start with strong arms," she said, quirking her brow.
Undine smiled. "And a mind nurtured by experience and curiosity."
"Add a sense of humor that makes his eyes twinkle," Abby said, "and a pair of calves that do the same for mine."
Undine laughed and filled Serafina's glass.
"You two are scandalous," Serafina said, trying without success to stifle her own smile. In truth, she was quite glad to have been invited to share in the wonderful friendship these two women had. She had grown up on a ship, with no sisters or brothers, and as an adult had only a few friends, most of who had cut her from their circle when she'd begun her ill-fated liaison. But even at the best of times, her friends had never drunk whiskey and discussed the relative merits of male attributes. This was eye-opening.
"Ooh, and fields of copper hair!" Abby cried. "'Tis rather like wrapping your arms around a flesh-and-blood bonfire."
Clan Kerr's steward, Duncan MacHarg, the dashing and devoted man who had recently won Abby's heart, had hair the color of newly minted pennies, and the women dissolved into peals of laughter.
The owner of the bonfire in question opened the door. A silence so complete crashed down on the room, Serafina could hear the words of the song the brewer sang as he stacked kegs on his wagon in the busy Edinburgh street a block away.
Duncan narrowed his eyes. He was as canny as he was handsome, so it did not take much observation of the bitten lips, downcast gazes, and pink faces to deduce the general nature of the conversation he'd interrupted.
Patches of bright rose climbed up his neck-the curse of being a redhead, a state for which Serafina had much sympathy, being possessed of similarly colored hair herself.
"Mmphf." He backed out, re-closing the door with a disapproving click.
The women broke out in renewed giggles.
Abby said, "There is at least one benefit to falling in love with one's steward. One never minds the long hours spent reviewing the balance sheet."
Serafina gazed in admiration at the gleaming fabric that fell from Abby's waist, held together with pins and tacking thread. "Is that to be your wedding dress?" she asked.
Abby's face lost a bit of its joviality. "The clansmen have just begun to accept me as their chieftess. 'Twould be unwise to introduce such a change now, I think."
Serafina knew Abby put the needs of her people above all else, but she also thought it must hurt Duncan's pride to have to keep the relationship secret.
Undine met Serafina's eye. "What about you? You've contributed nothing to our ideal man. What would you desire?"
"Och," she said, flushing, "dinna ask me. I've proven to be quite unwise in my choices."
Abby laid her hand on Serafina's shoulder. "Making mistakes is the only way to learn, ye ken? Look at me. I'm the wisest woman in Scotland."
Serafina smiled.
"Come now," Abby said. "Where would we begin in a man for Serafina? A Scotsman, of course-no proper Scotswoman could want anything else."
Undine, an Englishwoman, rolled her eyes.
"A Scotsman would be good," Serafina said, nodding. Edward had been English, and long before she'd begun to feel like she'd betrayed herself by falling in love with him, she'd felt a bit like she'd betrayed her country.
Serafina thought of Edward's lean waist, golden hair, and finely cut features. When she'd met him, she'd thought him a perfect Adonis. Had she only remembered then that the Adonis of mythology had two sides to him-the attentive lover for whom the goddesses pined and the narcissistic man whose happiness depended upon capturing the attention of every woman he met.
"Shoulders," Serafina said boldly, naming the feature of Edward's that had most disappointed her.
"Shoulders, is it?" Abby said. "How do you like them?"
"Large and labyrinthine. All hollows and girders-as if a warm coat of flesh had been laid over the most carefully sculpted bones. Shoulders upon which I could rest my head as easily as be tossed, whole body, like a keg of gunpowder. And with the scent of surf on them."
Abby ducked her chin in approval. "I'm glad we didn't ask about eyes."
Undine swirled the whiskey in her glass. "And his chest?"
"Two planes of burnished gold."
"Generous when it needs to be," Serafina said, "demanding when it doesn't."
Abby looked at Undine. "I don't have the courage to ask any more."
Undine said, "Wisps of smoke are rising from my drink. I think you may be in need of my special marigold tisane, Serafina. I usually recommend it for women whose husbands have lost the spark of virility, but in this case..."
"Does it restore their marital happiness?"
"Certainly the wife's. Once the tisane has been steeped in alcohol-I recommend Abby's fine Kerr whiskey-it brings on what one might call a prolonged fever dream."
Abby said, "This is the reason why we never let Undine pour the whiskey."
Undine put down her glass and leaned forward, frivolity gone. "Serafina, I'm sorry my business in the borderlands and again here in Edinburgh has kept me from addressing your issue. I know we've reached the point where we can delay no further."
Serafina's eyes widened. She had told no one of the possibility of the ship's arrival. She had only heard about it herself yesterday, when their traveling party had arrived in Edinburgh after a two-day ride from Kerr Castle.
"You seek a man," Undine said. "I can tell that from your face. But what sort of man do you seek?"
"'Tis not the man of shoulders and burnished gold," Serafina said, firmly pushing such whimsy aside. "The only man I seek now is the one who will help ensure my small inheritance is returned to me."
"And what sort of a man is that?"
"To begin with, a man both brave and true."
Undine stretched her feet toward the fire and sighed. "A rare creature, don't you think?"
"Will Duncan do?" Abby said.
Serafina flushed. "Oh, Abby, I need him for a night-"
"Duncan will not do."
"-and he must resemble Edward."
Her friends' eyes narrowed.
"Why?" Undine asked carefully.
Serafina bit her lip. "I'd rather not say. 'Tis only to protect you," she added quickly, seeing their faces.
"Keeping part of your mission from me is a risk," Undine said. "I can help, but my help is apt to be less than perfect."
"'Tis a risk I accept."
Undine dug in her pocket and withdrew two twists of the distinctive orange paper in which she dispensed her herbs. "I have crafted a concoction I believe will bring you what you seek-a man brave and true, aye, but also capable of deceit, susceptible to a woman's charms, and willing to hold his tongue."
Abby's eyes widened. "Is that true?" she said to Serafina.
Serafina shifted, shocked at the accuracy of Undine's description. "Well...aye."
"I have to leave now for an appointment in Argyle Square," Undine said, putting the herbs on the table, "but when I return, we'll figure out the best way to help you."
"But dinner is on the way," Abby said. "And you didn't eat this morning."
Undine held up an allaying hand. "I will eat, I promise. Serafina, while I'm away, pray consider whether secrecy is the best route and whether the man I described is truly the sort of man with whom you wish to consort."
The heavy silence that followed was broken by Abby, who announced her intention of tracking down the seamstress. Serafina followed her friends from the room, feeling as if she must have betrayed them.
From down the hall, Duncan caught her eye and gestured for her to remain behind. Abby and Undine descended the stairs into the inn's public rooms, and Serafina approached him.
"I did as you wished," he said in a low voice. "And the dockmaster confirmed the ship is arriving, though it's sooner than you were expecting."
"Tonight!" Had Undine left? She needed her help right away. "Thank you, Duncan. I...well, you can imagine the likelihood of a woman's inquiries being answered."
"I should never think of allowing a woman to walk the docks of Leith, no matter how strong the likelihood was." He bowed chivalrously. "What do you intend to do with the information, if I may ask?"
"The cargo the ship contains belongs to me-well, some of it in any case."
"That's not what the dockmaster said. Nor is it an answer to my question."
Her cheeks warmed. Why had she thought he would limit his inquiries to the single question she had asked him to answer? "The cargo's not in my name," she admitted. "But 'tis mine, nonetheless. My father was a sea merchant and before that a sea captain. As his only child, I inherited his business when he died. As you know, I fell in love and behaved foolishly. And part of my foolishness was allowing my fiancé to gain control over the business. He bankrupted it, or nearly so, the blackguard. That cargo is all that remains, and I intend to have it."
Her words had been more passionate than she'd intended, and Duncan led her farther away from the staircase. He was an imposing man, over six feet tall, and not one to suffer fools with patience.
"I'm not without sympathy," he whispered. "But stealing, however moral, is incontrovertibly illegal, and Abby will have me flogged if she thinks I contributed in some way to you ending up in prison. Frankly, though, I'm far more concerned about Edward and whoever his partners might be. Investors are an uncompromising bunch, as are the men who work for them, especially in Edinburgh. If you cheat them out of what they consider to be theirs, they'll nae go easy on ye because you're a woman. The docks are nae place for mischief."
She stood straighter. "I'm not that much of a fool. I'll have the help of a man who can-"
"What man?" His eyes narrowed into slits.
"He's a friend of the family," she said, lying, "and well versed in the ways of the sea trade." She had no wish to implicate Abby and Undine in her scheme. If they wished to tell Duncan about the help they were giving her, they could.
"A friend of the family?"
"Aye," she said, attempting not to wilt under the heat of the gaze. "You know I'm from Edinburgh. I have a considerable number of friends here."
"I have nae doubt. Well, I'd like to meet him. Will you be bringing him here?"
"I-I...can do that."
"Duncan, my money is nearly gone. Abby is kind, but I dinna wish to be dependent upon her to live. I dinna have your skills or Undine's powers or Abby's position. That cargo is my last hope."
"You will never be penniless. Abby needs a secretary, but if you somehow felt work was beneath you-"
"I'm penniless, Duncan, and pragmatic. No work is beneath me. But if there's a chance I can get back the money that was mine, I insist on the right to try."
He chewed the side of his cheek but seemed to recognize he faced an immovable force. "You will bring the man to me though, aye? Abby and I are dining with the bankers this evening, but we should be back before eleven."
"I will." She hated to lie, but she had barely enough time to carry out her plan as it was, let alone give Duncan the right to approve the players. She hoped she could still catch Undine's carriage. She waited a beat longer, then turned.
"One more thing," he said.
She turned back, hiding her impatience.
He looked down his long nose at her. "Use your head, aye?"
* * *
Using her head was not as easy as she might have wished. Undine and the carriage were gone. The ostler in the inn's stables knew nothing concerning her destination. Without Undine's spell, Serafina would have to hire someone on her own. She much preferred a man who had been summoned out of the Edinburgh crowds specifically to meet her needs. She had no idea how Undine's magic worked, but work it did. Duncan was sterling proof of that.
The cobbles of the Royal Mile stretched southward toward Leith and the sea, and she could smell the briny scent even if she couldn't see the water. Employing someone to pretend to be Edward offered risk enough without the added uncertainty of using a person of questionable skills and trustworthiness, but what choice did she have?
She sighed. If I'm going to hire someone, she thought, I'd better hurry. With a fortifying shake, she pelted into the inn, up the stairs, and into the sitting room the traveling party shared. She'd need to change her clothes and gather what little money she had-
A flash of orange caught her eye.
The herbs lay on the table, abandoned. Serafina's foot tapped involuntarily. What had Undine said? Mix it with alcohol? But these were Undine's herbs, not hers. It was one thing to steal cargo, quite another to take advantage of a friend's kindness.
She wandered to a chair and sat down, gazing at the twists of paper. Undine had said quite clearly the herbs were for her. She'd mixed them for her. Serafina shifted. The onion-shaped Kerr whiskey decanter sat uncorked on the table.
With a sigh, she reached for the papers and slowly undid the ends. She would have to add this to her ever-growing list of sins.

Where to Download First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready
Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. First Time with a Highlander By deb1210 First Time with a Highlander by Gwyn Cready is a time travelling romance bursting at the seams with humor, hijinks, and most of all romance! This snappy historical set in the Highlands with Serafina, who's fiancé died and now owns nothing of her own. She needs a husband quick before she loses everything. She calls upon a friend to give her a potion and conger up a new husband. So he happens to be from the future-a few hundred years in the future.Gerard, a businessman from 2015 New York, finds himself back in time to the 1700's in bed with a beautiful woman. It's obvious what had been taking place, only he doesn't know how he got there or how he can get back.This story was pretty intriguing from the start. We have a heroine who is strong willed, bucks against society, and isn't shy in the least! She wants her property back but in this time, the women must be married to own anything. Thus the reason to have Gerard zapped back in time. Our hero, though, is no slouch either! He's a fun and laid-back guy who loves life to the fullest. He doesn't seem too rattled by his time travel predicament. I would think he would be more upset about it. He knows he wants to get home but decides there must be some cosmic reason for him to be there. Now the chemistry between Gerard and Serafina is sizzling. No matter the place, no matter the era, love will find a way. The biggest thing I was unprepared for is the humor. I was giggling a lot! That doesn't normally happen in a historical but it worked well here. My only beef? The flow of the story. It seemed to wander a bit or stall at times making my focus falter. I never got to the point of skimming as it always righted itself and I was drawn back in.If you love historicals that feature strong characters and men in kilts, this may be for you! This is the first book I have read by Gwyn Cready and I enjoyed it. The time travel aspect was the attraction for me. Plus the hero and heroine felt relatable. There are many characters that play a role in this book and am looking forward to reading more of them in the Sirens of Scottish Borderlands series.3.5 stars/3 flamesThis book was given to me for the express purpose of an honest review. The rating and review are solely my opinions and in no way was I compensated.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. and finds himself in a bed with a beautiful naked woman in 18th century Scotland By Barb First Time With a Highlander by Gwyn Cready is the 2nd book in her Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands series. This is a time travel Historical Romance, which takes place mostly in the 18th century (1706 Edinburg). Though the two main characters in the 1st book are part of this story, the book reads well as a standalone.At the start, we meet Serafina Fallon, our heroine, who is in a bind financially. Her fiancée stole her cargo, leaving her with nothing. Both Abby and Undine (a witch?), whom we met in the first book, scheme to help her steal back her cargo. How? Undine will make a potion that worked to help Abby (in the first book) and bring a dead ringer for Serfina’s fiancée from the 21st century to help her claim back her cargo. Piece of cake……Gerard Innes is a wealthy executive, who is a known womanizer. He wakes up after a night of wild partying in current day New York, and finds himself in a bed with a beautiful naked woman in 18th century Scotland.Gerard adapts to his situation quickly, and immediately is attracted to the fiery redhead Serafina. Though Gerard is used to winning over most woman, Serafina is different. She is independent, strong, smart and determined to use Gerard to help her get back what she lost.What follows is an adventure that will find them both putting themselves in danger to attempt to steal back the cargo. What is thought to be simple, turns into a major behind the scenes political scheme.Serafina is fighting for her future, but despite her misgivings, she is also falling for Gerard. She knows he will leave soon, since he was meant to help for a day or two. Now she must protect her own life, as well as her heart. Gerard is between a rock and a hard place; he has fallen in love, and wants to bring Serafina back to the future with him, and the wealth that he has. But Serafina has her own pride, and will not leave her time. Will Gerard convince Serafina to go back with him? If not, would he stay in the 18th Century and try to amass his fortune again, with all his knowledge?This was a good storyline, a nice romance, with some humor, and very likeable characters. However, I thought some of it was a bit slow, especially early on. I also felt it was a bit confusing and jumbled at some points. I would have liked it to be more cohesive. Overall, it was a good story, with a great theme. Who doesn’t like stories with men in kilts and that take place in Scotland, during the highlander days.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. a wonderful tale that feels both of the moment and in the past. By Gaele I’m obsessed currently with highlander stories: how can you miss as a lover of historic romance? And when you bring in characters like Serafina and Gerard, and a whole host of secondary characters that aid or thwart the path to love.Engaged to a rather despicable man, who then left her and stole a valuable shipment, Serafina is penniless, friendless and angry. She can’t believe that she fell so completely for Edward, and lost everything in the process. Together with her new friends Abby and Undine, and Abby’s new love Duncan, she is determined to use any means to regain the cargo and reclaim her future.In this story, it is Gerard who is transported back, and his consternation, reluctance to participate in Serafina’s plan and his attitude and approach are well-suited to Serafina’s often stubborn and outspoken approach. There is endless bickering, these two are very similar in personality and that makes for great fire, and neither is particularly interested in a ‘relationship’ per se, so it works to fuel the moments as the story progresses. A far deeper and more complex set of circumstances than we initially understand is behind the cargo, and as our couple, aided with the help of several friends, uncover the mystery the story moves forward nicely.Cready has built this world and the plot with care, what starts as a wild goose chase soon firms up and solidifies into a wonderful tale that feels both of the moment and in the past. There’s a particular modernity that having a time-traveling character adds to a plot, and this story manages to mix the two outlooks and approaches nicely. With a touch of steam, although not bordering on the erotic, this story keeps readers happy.I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
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First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready
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First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready
First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready
First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready
First Time with a Highlander (Sirens of the Scottish Borderlands), by Gwyn Cready